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Terms and Conditions

1) Collection of personal data
You may be required to provide certain information about yourself while going through our site. The user shall agree that the information provided will always be true, accurate and up to date.
2) Security
Your protection is vital to us. Accessing our site by any other means not prescribed by us is strictly prohibited.
3) Limitation of liability/Indemnification
The user agrees to take responsibility for any of the consequences, losses, damages arising out of his own actions.
4) Blog, comments, reviews, ratings by clients
The content provided by users in way of blogs, reviews, ratings, comments on our website is not monitored and prescreened by us. If you choose to use the communication tools provided by us, it is the sole responsibility of the user to do it in an ethical manner and shall not indulge in uploading content that is-

  • Unauthorized, illegal, fraudulent, abusive, harassing, or contains any kind of explicit or inappropriate language.
  • Infringes any trademark or patent, copyright etc.

5) Confidentiality
Lexwell makes every effort to use the information provided in a responsible manner. The user is however warned that the use of internet is susceptible to risks. We cannot guarantee the confidentiality of sensitive information. Please use caution in deciding what information to input in the system.