Trademark Assignment
Trademark Assignment
Trademark Assignment
Power of registered proprietor to assign and give receipts— The person for the time being entered in the register as proprietor of a trade mark shall, subject to the provisions of this Act and to any rights appearing from the register to be vested in any other person, have power to assign the trade mark, and to give effectual receipts for any consideration for such assignment.
Assignability and transmissibility of registered trade marks—Notwithstanding anything in any other law to the contrary, a registered trade mark shall, subject to the provisions of this Chapter, be assignable and transmissible, whether with or without the goodwill of the business concerned and in respect either of all the good.
Restriction On Assignment Of Trademark:-
- Where assignment results in creation of exclusive right in different persons, in relation to same or similar goods or services and the use of the trademark will be likely to deceive or cause confusion. Thus, multiple exclusive right in relation to same or similar goods or services, in different person is not allowed. This prevents the parallel use of a trademark by more than one person concerned in relation to same or similar goods or services.
- Where the assignment results in creation of exclusive right, in different person in different parts of India, in relation to same or similar goods or services. Thus, assigning of scattered right in different parts of India is not allowed. (Section-41)
Professional Assistance
CA/CS Assisted
Trademark Assignment
Standard Package
(All Inclusive)
EMI’s Facility Also Available
- Trademark Assignment (One Class)